We are a family of faith wrapping our arms around God's world and making Jesus Christ a way of life. Come join us!
355 Lamington Rd, Bedminster, NJ 07921
(908) 572-7013
Worship With Us
Face masks are no longer required in the church.
We welcome children in worship! We also have a professional nursery for young children.
We love coffee hour! Join us after worship to get to know us better!
We invite you to join us regardless of what you're wearing - some people dress
up in business casual clothing while others are in jeans.
We dress for the weather as we present ourselves to God just as we are!
During worship, the pastor and liturgist pray on behalf of all people, welcoming participation or just inviting silence among the worshippers. We have a dedicated Prayer Team who gathers weekly to pray for specific requests that you can reach out to us here.
We invite leaders in our church to serve as greeters at the door of the sanctuary
to be the first point of welcome to our community. Sign up above!
We are a family of faith wrapping our arms around God's world and making Jesus
Christ a way of life through worship, as we praise and glorify God;
through study, as we listen for God's Word in body, mind and spirit; through
mission, as we embody God's love in service to the world; through giving, as
we express gratitude to God; through fellowship, as we love and care for one another.
Please let us know if you'd like to dedicate flowers one Sunday by contacting the church office 908-572-7013 or lamingtonchurch@gmail.com.